Skills Lab Staff


Amee Jones

Amee Jones, MSN, RN, CHSE

Director of STAR and Skills Lab
Clinical Assistant Professor of Nursing

Telephone number(904) 256-7876
Email address  
Office locationBRCHS 237
Website locationAbout Amee Jones


Bienvennida DoyleBienvenida Doyle, MSN, RN-BCEN

Clinical Assistant Professor of Nursing

Telephone number  (904) 256-8693 
Email address
Office location  BRCHS 201
Website location  About Bienvenida Doyle



Ginger StrongVirginia Strong, EdD, MSN, APRN, FNP-BC, RN-BC, CHSE, CNE

Clinical Assistant Professor of Nursing

Telephone number  (904) 256-7041
Email address
Office location  BRCHS 215
Website location  About Virginia Strong


Lauren Everly
Lauren Everly, MSN, RN

Interdisciplinary Lab Instructor and Simulationist

Email address





Dawn Huddleston

Dawn Huddleston, MSN, RN, BS

Interdisciplinary Lab Instructor and Simulationist
Adjunct Clinical Instructor

Telephone number  (904) 256-7940
Email address
Office location  BRCHS 224


Pamela Johnson
Pamela Johnson, MSN, RN, NPD-BC, PCCN-K

Interdisciplinary Lab Instructor and Simulationist

Email address
Office location  BRCHS 223



Tarah Lynch
Tarah Lynch, MS

Keigwin School of Nursing Lab Assistant

Telephone number  (904) 256-7383
Email address
Office location  BRCHS 216

Jennifer Perez
Jennifer Perez, ADN

Lab Assistant and Standardized Patient Coordinator

Telephone number(904) 256-8982
Office locationBRCHS 214
Website locationAbout Jennifer Perez

Cada White
Cada White, MSN, RN

Interdisciplinary Lab Instructor and Simulationist

Email address